Blue Colored Stones and Crystals⎜Let's Play On The Moon | Let's play on the moon Skip to main content
Livraison offerte dès 49€ en France Métropolitaine 🚀
Les pierres de couleur bleue

Blue Stones

Blue-colored crystals facilitate speaking up and promote healthy communication . These are stones that act on the fifth chakra: the throat chakra . 🎤

The benefits of the color blue: In color psychology, blue is used for the calm and balance it brings, especially during the exchange. Creating both gentleness and security , blue wards off judgment and promotes listening and sharing . 🗣

Astrological signs associated with blue stones: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Virgo and Scorpio.

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Photo de pierres roulées d'Aigue Marine de très bonne qualité
Photo de bracelets "7 chakras" sur un portant en bois
Photo de plusieurs bracelets de pierre d'Angélite de la marque Let's play on the moon disposés sur un portant en bois
Photo de bracelets de pierre de Calcédoine Bleue autour d'un portant en bois
Photo de plusieurs bracelets de pierre de Labradorite  sur un portant en bois
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