Welcome to Scorpio season ♏️

From October 23 to November 21, the Sun enters the sign of Scorpio. On the program: intuition, passion and regeneration, yes just that! Let's decipher together what this new cycle has in store for us ✨
Eighth sign of the zodiac, Scorpio, under his sarcasm which makes him difficult to pin down, actually has the mission of lifting taboos to finally take care of the things that prevent progress: it was time for him to arrive!
Scorpio, the one who teaches us to draw his light from his shadows 🔦
Endowed with ultra-magnetic power, Scorpio knows how transformative it is to explore their shadows to find light there. By stepping out of his comfort zone a little more each day, he faces the unknown with courage and audacity, sweeping away fears and doubts with one paw: he never stops evolving, growing, reinventing himself to find its own truth.
The planet of Scorpio: Pluto, introspective planet that questions us 💭
Ruled by Pluto, Scorpio knows that it will have to face monsters before reaching the top of the mountain and finding its treasure. After a time of calm and introspection, he develops the best strategies to deceive reality and win the fight hands down. Not even afraid !!
The Scorpion, full balloons 🚀
In the group, the Scorpion is both the one who makes you feel fresh and sexy even in a ski suit and the one who will always amaze you with all that she is able to achieve in a single day "But is that you sleep ? »
And on the love side? ❤️🔥
Magnetic charm and hypnotizing sensuality, in love the Scorpio does not go through four paths: who could resist his mysterious gaze? In his relationships, he is very fusional and seeks a deep connection with his other half. If he feels that you are made for each other, you can be sure that he will do everything to satisfy your desires, a little, a lot, passionately, madly and for life.
What to do during Scorpio season?
Scorpio season is an opportunity to reconnect with your true nature by remembering that life and all that we can experience is part of a cycle, which has a beginning and an end, and that for better. reborn afterwards. It is a time conducive to introspection, to deep questioning, perhaps on subjects that are not used to being addressed. Connect to your inner magic, free yourself from your fears and transform this energy into a powerful light that uplifts you. To accompany this moment of regeneration, do not hesitate to purify your environment with the help of White Sage which cleanses stagnant energy and engages this rebirth.
Very intuitive, Scorpio teaches us to follow our heart: he is most often attracted to daring themes, those that arouse deep curiosity but over which the idea of the forbidden hovers, those that have never been dared, those related to the strange, the taboo but which finally allow you to reconnect with yourself and be authentic.
Scorpio Crystals
✦ Carnelian: you crunch life to the fullest and you know what makes your soul vibrate, you feel it in your guts. Let's go!
✦ The Howlite: unload your mind from parasitic thoughts to focus on what really matters to you! Take the time to take the time 😜
✦ The Garnet: unstoppable determination mode activated! Cross the barriers like a boss and reach for the stars.
Is it soon the birthday of your team's Scorpion? Give him an Astro Kit : 3 crystals and their explanatory sheets and a usage sheet to discover the stones according to his sign.
Bonus idea: the Scorpio Survival Guide ebook so that he understands this energy in detail, its influence in his professional, romantic, friendly and family life.
Glitter kisses ✨ and happy birthday Scorpions 🎉
Sacred Incense
Ancestral plant from Native American traditions, White Sage and Palo Santo are incenses with great purifying power. Used in fumigation during your rituals, to discharge your crystals or to clean your house, these incenses protect you from any negative influence.