The stones and the character of the astro sign of Virgo ♍️

The personality of the astrological sign of Virgo
Sixth sign of the zodiac, Virgo represents the mid-term reflection, essential to take stock of your progress and reorganize everything. Boring? No way ! Like the ant who prepares for winter in summer, the Virgin is the one who reaches out to each cicada on her way to help them build their perfect little cozy nests. Always in analysis, Virgo has a keen sense of observation, so well that she knows how to spot your favorite dessert or your favorite artist at the speed of light: small details that may seem anecdotal are very precious to her. . Virgo feels the need to make herself useful and always cultivates a spirit of mutual aid and well-being with her friends: a real mother!
The color of Virgo: blue
The planet of Virgo: Mercury
The strengths of the Virgo sign
If there's one thing the zodiac wants to steal from Virgo, it's their sense of organization! What, you're a Virgo and you don't sort your socks by color?! Don't worry, organization and structure isn't just about cleanliness and order, it's actually a state of mind: sorting out your thoughts, never doing things by halves or following a good method. precision invented by him. Small actions, yes, but a big help, no doubt!
The points of improvement of the sign of Virgo
If the Virgin has a great sense of dedication, she is nonetheless a bit (too) perfectionist! Yes, no half measures for this earth sign although very temperate when it comes to expressing his emotions. In reality, the natives of the sign of Virgo fail to let go and think quickly of “I could have done better”... It is important for them to step back and consider their actions as a whole to realize that are and do enough.
The stone of the astrological sign of Virgo
A stone for the Virgin? It is Citrine without hesitation! For what ? Because the Citrine illuminates the child's soul of the natives of the sixth sign of the zodiac in order to bring more letting go in their daily lives. In addition to this, Citrine is a stone of joie de vivre that offers courage to Virgos often haunted by the fear of disturbing.
The stone of the astrological sign of Virgo for love
For love, Virgos can count on green Aventurine: a stone that acts directly on the heart, it is immeasurably soft. Green Aventurine helps this sign which always tends to mentalize everything to bring more listening to emotions and especially to follow his heart when it is necessary to make a decision (of the heart) 💚
The stone of the astrological sign of Virgo for work
Hematite is the stone par excellence of Virgos in the context of work! Anchor stone, its weight lowers the pressure towards the earth. Its mirror reflections show you how interesting your ideas and thoughts are: it encourages you to take a stand with confidence and determination! 💪🏽
Gift ideas for the sign of Virgo
Are you or your best friend or crush a Virgo? Here are our Virgo vibes gift ideas to delight them for sure!
Number 1: the Virgo Astro Kit
Bringing together the 3 lucky stones of Virgo, the Astro Kit is ideal for beginners. With the 3 stones, you will also find the 3 associated explanatory sheets as well as a bonus sheet to use your crystals to perfection! Easy peasy 😉
Budget: 25€
Number 2: The Virgo Survival Guide
Who has never dreamed of knowing how to seduce a Virgo (even if the exercise is not the easiest, we grant you)? Well know that the info is slipped into this 25-page ebook. It also includes all the essential characteristics to know this sign: love life, work, friends, family, its character according to its decan, and many others...
Cost: €8.90
Number 3: The Litho Positive Book
Mercurian, Virgos love to learn and dig into the subjects that interest them (don't do anything halfway, we told you 😉) The Litho Positive book is a concentrate of tips and essentials to know about the universe of crystals, the astro, the psychology of colors or well-being rituals. Perfect for any Virgo who wishes to explore this new world through a complete and benevolent book.
Budget: 20€
Sacred Incense
Ancestral plant from Native American traditions, White Sage and Palo Santo are incenses with great purifying power. Used in fumigation during your rituals, to discharge your crystals or to clean your house, these incenses protect you from any negative influence.