The stones and the character of the astro sign of Gemini ♊️

The personality of the astrological sign of Gemini
Gemini is a sign of the Air element born between May 21 and June 20. Third sign of the zodiac, Gemini brings a wind of seriousness brought by its neighbor Taurus. Ultra-curious, he digs where the zodiac struggles to move forward to understand and learn to overcome the obstacle. Gemini is a communicator: he feeds on his encounters, debates and exchanges. He learns a lot from others and their experiences. Full of humor, he knows how to make fun of things to bring more smiles.
The color of Gemini: orange
The planet of Gemini: Mercury
The strengths of the sign of Gemini
If there's one thing the zodiac wants to steal from Gemini, it's their thinking skills! Mercurians, Geminis are quick-witted and always alert, even if it's the latest gossip of the week. He knows how to make decisions quickly and is not intimidated by tight deadlines.
The points of improvement of the sign of Gemini
If communication is a great quality of Gemini, he does not linger too long when you start talking to him about his emotions. Very open to change, he can quickly disperse and be lost when faced with a choice because he is aware that everything is never all black or all white.
The stone of the astrological sign of Gemini
If we had to attribute a stone to the astrological sign of Gemini, it would without hesitation Rock Crystal ! While transparent, it brings the clarity and wisdom needed to take a step back from a situation. It purifies and cleans the vibrations: the perfect ally to channel your energy!
The stone of the astrological sign of Gemini for love
A soothing and gentle stone, Blue Chalcedony opens the shell of the most reserved Gemini to their feelings. A little boost that helps them communicate their emotions gently. With it, easier to say “I love you”.
The stone of the astrological sign of Gemini for work
Need a stroke of genius? Pyrite to your rescue! It awakens creativity and turns work into a fun and playful task. Focus, check! Organization, check! Productivity, check! With Pyrite , Gemini = Business girl.
Gift ideas for the sign of Gemini
Your best friend or your crush is Gemini? Here are our Gemini vibes gift ideas to delight them for sure!
Number 1: the Gemini Astro Kit
Bringing together the 3 lucky stones of Gemini, the Astro Kit is ideal for beginners. With the 3 stones, you will also find the 3 associated explanatory sheets as well as a bonus sheet to use your crystals to perfection! Easy peasy 😉
Budget: 25€
Number 2: The Gemini Survival Guide
Who has never dreamed of knowing how to seduce a Gemini? Well know that the info is slipped into this 25-page ebook . It also includes all the essential characteristics to know this sign: love life, work, friends, family, its character according to its decan, and many others...
Cost: €8.90
Number 3: the ebook Getting started easily with Lithotherapy
Gemini is an eternally curious person who loves to learn: what could be better than an initiation to lithotherapy ebook to delight their mind? This 45-page digest gives you the keys to learn about the world of crystals, their energies, how to take care of them and even the must-haves to get started.
Cost: €19.90
To discover all the stones associated with the astrological sign of Gemini, it's here .
Sacred Incense
Ancestral plant from Native American traditions, White Sage and Palo Santo are incenses with great purifying power. Used in fumigation during your rituals, to discharge your crystals or to clean your house, these incenses protect you from any negative influence.