The stones and the character of the astrological sign of Sagittarius ♐️

Sagittarius is a Fire element sign born between November 22 and December 21. Ninth sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius is a Jupiterian with a lucky star. He has a great open-mindedness and dares to dream big without setting limits. He has a great sense of humor and an adventurous spirit that encourages him to explore the world! 🌍
The personality of the astrological sign of Sagittarius
Ninth sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius is the one who encourages his elders to take uncharted paths to finally find the right one. With him, failure gives way to experience and each blockage is only one step before landing the moon. Get your backpack ready, we're off on an adventure for real! Sagittarius is an eternal optimist: he always aims for the stars with his bow and arrow. It is a plural sign that likes to have a foot everywhere. He likes to discover the world and above all to share his adventures: this is what gives him this Sunday philosophical side. Super benevolent, he is a lover of the unexpected (bye bye routine) always looking for the path to freedom.
The color of Sagittarius: purple
The planet of Sagittarius: Jupiter
The strengths of the sign of Sagittarius
If there's one thing the zodiac wants to steal from Sagittarius, it's their ability to always see the glass half full. Distributor of smiles, he is endowed with a lucky star which always shows him the good side of things: he is a vector of great hope and transmits to those close to him this ability to be able to dream big.
The points of improvement of the sign of Sagittarius
If Sagittarius knows how to keep an open mind, he also has this annoying tendency to run away from any commitment (or what looks like it). Marriage ? CDI? These words can quickly become a real frightening puzzle and be akin to the very opposite of freedom. If you think about it too much, he may even end a relationship or a contract. Life is an adventure and he needs to live it in his image!
The stone of the astrological sign of Sagittarius
A stone for Sagittarius? It's Orange Calcite for sure! A stone diffusing great positivity, Orange Calcite vibrates on the same level as Sagittarius and helps it to maintain its beautiful energy even in the event of a slack. Orange Calcite creates a blissful energy around Sagittarius, which pushes dream-chasers and anti-freedom far, far away from it. Comforting, it's her cuddly toy who always encourages her to pursue her ideas, as long as it brings her joy. 🌞
The stone of the astrological sign of Sagittarius for love
For love, Sagittarians can count on Jade: an ancestral stone, Jade is endowed with great wisdom that it willingly shares with Sagittarius. He shows him how much love is the most beautiful and powerful energy by reassuring him, especially when he has to commit. Stone of luck, it brings a lot of prosperity in the couple and brings this spirit of light love, without cabbage: the perfect configuration for Sagittarius. 💚
The stone of the astrological sign of Sagittarius for work
Pyrite is the stone par excellence of Sagittarians in the context of work! Sagittarius does not generally stay in place: he needs to stay on the move and express his creativity, and that, Pyrite has understood! Working on both grounding and the solar plexus, Pyrite helps Sagittarius focus on what really matters by promoting organization but also stimulating the creative spirit. Creative productivity mode activated! 🎨
Gift ideas for the sign of Sagittarius
Your best friend, your crush or yourself are Sagittarius? Here are our Sagittarius vibes gift ideas to delight them for sure!
Number 1: the Sagittarius Astro Kit
Bringing together the 3 lucky stones of Sagittarius, the Astro Kit is ideal for beginners. With the 3 stones, you will also find the 3 associated explanatory sheets as well as a bonus sheet to use your crystals to perfection! Easy peasy 😉
Budget: 25€
Number 2: The Sagittarius Survival Guide
Who has never dreamed of knowing how to seduce a Sagittarius? Well know that the info is slipped into this 25-page ebook. It also includes all the essential characteristics to know this sign: love life, work, friends, family, its character according to its decan, and many others...
Cost: €8.90
Number 3: The Oracle of my inner power
Sagittarius always has a thousand and one ideas in mind and to manage to channel this great energy and know in which direction to project themselves, what better than to question their oracle? The Oracle of my Inner Power reveals the power that lies dormant in everyone and thus shows Sagittarius in which area of his life he should or should not concentrate. More than a guide, it's a daily tool that will help him embark on his projects, even the craziest!
Cost: €23.90
Sacred Incense
Ancestral plant from Native American traditions, White Sage and Palo Santo are incenses with great purifying power. Used in fumigation during your rituals, to discharge your crystals or to clean your house, these incenses protect you from any negative influence.