Aquamarine: Virtues & Meanings of the Stone

Keywords: Sharing - Listening - Security
Chakra: Throat
What are the benefits of Aquamarine in Lithotherapy?
In the world of lithotherapy, Aquamarine is one of the softest stones! At the same time considerate, comforting and ultra-patient, it is the best friend to whom you can whisper your most hidden secrets in complete discretion! Sit comfortably with your infusion and your blue light blocking glasses because here is the wonderful story of Aquamarine…Called Beryl or also “Sea water”, Aquamarine is a stone known for its deep link to the purity of water. As soothing as a hot shower, it instills calm in those who wear it. Its beauty has long fascinated civilizations around the world, of all eras: today it is also one of the favorite stones of jewelers who know how to work it to adorn majestic adornments!
Aquamarine is a stone of communication: inspired by water, it fluidifies energies so that each speech flows naturally. Thus, it dissipates the stress associated with speaking, especially in an intimate setting. It opens hearts and encourages people to share their deepest emotions. A friend of the very shy, she diffuses an energy of respect, security and above all listening so that the exchange is enriching. It leaves room for everyone so that everyone can express themselves freely!
If you feel the need to speak on a subject that challenges you, whether your audience is made up of one person or a thousand, Aquamarine brings you the confidence necessary for sincere and benevolent expression. With her, the strong emotions are tempered to facilitate the gentle and above all liberating exchange: lightness guaranteed!
How to recognize a quality Aquamarine?
Aquamarine is a baby blue or blue-green colored crystal and is slightly transparent. Stone belonging to the category of semi-precious, the price of Aquamarine is higher than other crystals. To ensure that your stone is of good quality, it must meet these two criteria: color and price.
Note: Mounted and cut into jewelry, pendants, rings or bracelets, the Aquamarine sees its price increase considerably.
Price Let's Play On The Moon: 8€ for a 2g rolled stone (about 1cm)
What are the astrological signs associated with Aquamarine?
Aquamarine is a stone of communication that establishes a climate of trust in conversations. The signs associated with it need this gentleness to indulge and release their emotions.
✦ Cancer: You absorb a lot of emotions during your days and sometimes some can get stuck in your throat. Aquamarine fluidifies these stagnant energies that you no longer need to lighten up. Smile, your heart is very light! 🪶
✦ Capricorn: For times when it's hard to talk about your deep emotions, you can count on Aquamarine. She dispels all judgment to offer you a safe place: trust yourself, your secrets will be well kept. 🤫
✦ Aquarius: Enemy No. 1 of the conflict, do you dodge all situations likely to get out of hand and in passing you keep what is on your heart to yourself? Aquamarine stretches out a very gentle hand to you, ready to listen to you: with it, conflict and other negative reactions have no place. You can express yourself freely without judgement. Free to be ☺️
(Pssst, Aquamarine is part of the Astro Aquarius Kit 🤫)
How to use Aquamarine?
✦ Virtues of Aquamarine on oneself
In a pocket, a bag or as a pendant to place it near the throat, Aquamarine dispels judgment to help you during all the speaking engagements you have to do during your day. A source of serenity, it chases away stress to show you that you are up to it and that your word has value.
✦ Virtues of Aquamarine at work
Placed near you when you work, Aquamarine promotes all types of communication, whether verbal, non-verbal, written or even more creative. It is the best friend of job interviews or presentations that impress because its calming virtues transmit a feeling of security: ciao the lump in the throat, you no longer give your tongue to the cat!
✦ Virtues of Aquamarine at home
In a living room, Aquamarine encourages all members of the household to share their feelings with respect and kindness. The ability to listen that she brings shows everyone how important it is to be attentive to the speeches of others. Hearts are soothed and light! In a bedroom, it smooths the exchange in the couple and brings more sincerity and honesty. Confessions on the pillow guaranteed!
✦ Virtues of Aquamarine in meditation
Near you when you meditate or during your yoga session, Aquamarine opens the Throat Chakra. It releases the buried emotions especially by speaking: if you work with mantras that you repeat aloud, Aquamarine reinforces their powers and the energy they deliver. It is also a great help for your intuitive writing or art therapy sessions: express yourself!
How to unload and reload the Aquamarine?
✦ Unloading Aquamarine
Fumigation: use your incense as purification tools for your Aquamarine. White sage or Palo Santo , the choice is yours.
✦ Aquamarine Refill
Soft sun: place your stone outside, in the soft morning or evening sun.
Full Moon: expose your stone for a few minutes to the sparkling light of the Full Moon. Good to know: the energies of the Full Moon are effective 48 to 72 hours before and after its appearance.
Our Glitter Tip: The Flower of Life, 2-in-1 maintenance of your crystals!
Drop your nuggets on your Flower of Life, with it, your crystals will discharge and recharge at light speed 💫
Sacred Incense
Ancestral plant from Native American traditions, White Sage and Palo Santo are incenses with great purifying power. Used in fumigation during your rituals, to discharge your crystals or to clean your house, these incenses protect you from any negative influence.