Tiger's Eye: Virtues, Meaning and Stone Cleansing

Chakra: Root & Solar Plexus
The benefits of Tiger's Eye in Lithotherapy
Tiger's Eye is the stone of protection par excellence. In addition to being the ally of lithotherapists, this stone is also one of the most worn on the wrist by men . Without knowing it, by wearing Tiger's Eye as a bracelet or a necklace , you are unconsciously blocking the bad energies that you may come across throughout the day.
This super-powerful crystal acts like an energetic sponge that sucks up everything in its path. Tiger's Eye has as its favorite prey all your detractors who would come to interfere in your dreams, so it participates in the purification of your aura just like your places of life. By obtaining this stone, you strengthen your determination and your strength of character because no one can make you waver anymore. Entrepreneur friends, do you know what you have to do?
By doing the big spring cleaning every moment of our lives, Tiger's Eye brings us back to our animal instincts which improves our ability to recover from more difficult events. It guides us in maintaining our mind to make the trials of everyday life real weapons on a daily basis.
Can you sleep with a Tiger's Eye?
It is not recommended to sleep with this stone at your bedside. Even if your initiative is quite logical, it is essential for us to remind you that Tiger's Eye is a very (too) powerful crystal in terms of purification. Indeed, it is not recommended for children for example. If you want to sleep soundly, turn instead to Amethyst Druse or Celestine which will contribute to a more peaceful sleep .
Astrological signs related to Tiger's Eye
Tiger's Eye is a stone that brings strength and courage . The signs associated with it need these peaks of motivation to be fully realized.
✦ Aries : Let's gooo! You who know how to go for it without asking yourself a billion questions, Tiger's Eye protects you in all your extreme projects by repelling the evil eye far, very far from you. Girl Power!
✦ Leo : No longer be afraid to roar and let your positivity express itself by freeing yourself from the gaze of others. Leo, you have the power to create the life of your dreams and Tiger's Eye intends to help you, especially on lazy mornings, to reverse the trend and make you unstoppable!
✦ Capricorn : “Hmm, who could have filled this to-do list so much…” Is it you? Armed with the Tiger's Eye, you are not even afraid in front of this mountain: for you this ascent is a challenge that you intend to take up at the end of the day. You can be proud of yourself!
Using Tiger's Eye
✦ Virtues of Tiger's Eye on oneself
By carrying your Tiger's Eye in your pocket, as a necklace or as a bracelet , you put on your best gladiator outfit and fight energy vampires with an iron fist. Xena the warrior better watch out...
✦ Virtues of Tiger's Eye at work
On your desk, Tiger's Eye purifies your workspace. You will thus gain in personal confidence and especially in vivacity since you no longer let the slightest reflection of your superior get you down.
✦ Virtues of Tiger's Eye at home
On a cupboard or in your library, Tiger's Eye has the properties of destroying the bad energies that clutter your home. The atmosphere is no longer one of conflict but rather of warm exchanges.
✦ Virtues of Tiger's Eye in meditation
During your meditation or yoga sessions, Tiger's Eye stabilizes your energies by getting rid of those that take up enough space. Placed on the chakra of the 3rd Eye, you improve the rebalancing of all your chakras.
Tiger's Eye unloading and reloading
✦ Unloading Tiger's Eye
Fumigation: Use your incenses as purification tools for your Tiger's Eye. White sage or Palo Santo, the choice is yours.
✦ Tiger's Eye Reload
Soft sun: place your stone outside, in the soft morning or evening sun.
In the ground: place your stone in the ground so that it recharges with the good energies from its native cocoon.
Our Glitter Tip: The Flower of Life, 2-in-1 maintenance of your crystals!
Drop your nuggets on your Flower of Life, with it, your crystals will discharge and recharge at light speed 💫
Sacred Incense
Ancestral plant from Native American traditions, White Sage and Palo Santo are incenses with great purifying power. Used in fumigation during your rituals, to discharge your crystals or to clean your house, these incenses protect you from any negative influence.